As livebearers, endler guppies take the whole breeding thing seriously. They'll happily mix it up with your other guppies and even create incredible hybrid variations. From my personal experience, breeding endler guppies is quite easy. If you're lost and need help, check out these tips on how to breed endler guppies.

  • Pick Your Parent Fish

    Selection of the best parent fish: Always select bright-colored, unique patterned fish without any health problems like torn fins. One male fish can be paired with 2 or 3 female fishes. Apart from this, you must decide the type of guppy you plan to breed, such as a pure or hybrid breed.

    Pick Your Parent Fish
  • Prepare the Breeding Tank

    Setting up the correct tank is also crucial to successful endler guppy breeding. I always recommend setting up a comfortable and safe place with a breeding colony setup. This setup allows both adults and juveniles to thrive.

    Furthermore, you can fill the tank with live plants such as water sprites and java moss to provide plenty of hiding places for the little ones. Plus, I usually put a sponge filter to keep the water clean without sucking up the fish fry.

  • Give Extra Feedings

    One of the biggest challenges in breeding endler guppies is making sure the fry survives without being eaten by the adults. The solution? Provide extra food! I often feed my fish with small foods like live baby brine shrimp and crushed flakes. 

    Repeated daily feeding helps the fry grow faster and keeps the adult fish well-fed. Thus, it reduces the chances of them eating their own babies.

    Give Extra Feedings
  • Remove Unwanted Fish

    When the endler guppies are born, you may find unhealthy fish in the breeding line. To keep things in tip-top shape, you should cull unwanted fish. You can take out fish with defects such as crooked spines or missing fins. I make it a habit to check my fish for health issues regularly.

  • Maintain Water Quality

    I ensure regular water changes and proper filtration. If you overfeed, like I do, adding a cleanup crew of shrimp and snails will help keep the tank tidy. This little trick ensures my tank stays healthy.

    Maintain Water Quality


So, are you ready to breed these livebearers? I think endler guppies are very easy. You just need to prepare potential parents and make sure your tank is comfortable for breeding. Thus, get started now!

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